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dc.contributor.authorMustapa, Arif
dc.description.abstractIndonesia identical with the eastern personality that are friendly, polite, religious, and tolerant. Lately the noble value of the nation is eroded in an infinite era. The effect is many people get into disorientation in societal, nation and state life. Such dis-orientation creates deviant understanding among the public, such as the attitude of petty fanaticism (intolerance) and radicalism. The presence of deviant attitude in the society cannot be separated from the perception of religious teachings that are observed and occured in their society. A person's perception of a religion can affect one's views to other people/groups. Perception cannot be separated from religious psychology. Therefore it is very important to actualize indegenious values into relegious, egalitarian, democratic, fair and unity in the differences of Indonesian. The noble value of the Indonesian nation is re-actualized through a guided and structured religion education, it is as asset of the students in order to become a religious, humanism, tolerant students in an unlimited global lifeen_US
dc.publisherUPH Pressen_US
dc.subjectIndonesian Personalityen_US
dc.subjectIslamic Religious Educationen_US
dc.titleReaktualisasi Nilai Kepribadian Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mencegah Radikalisme Mahasiswaen_US

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