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dc.contributor.authorSonatha, Christian
dc.description.abstractDalam Era Globalisasi perkembangan bisnis sangat berkembang pesat, ditandai dengan tingkat persaingan antar perusahaan semakin ketat. Setiap perusahaan berlomba – lomba untuk merebut dan mempertahankan pangsa pasarnya. Dalam era globalisasi yang sangat pesat, setiap perusahaan menyadari bahwa pemasaran produk merupakan faktor yang menentukan kesuksesan. Peran pemasaran sangatlah penting dimana padatnya persaingan akan menyebabkan konsumen memiliki banyak pilihan alternatif untuk produk, harga dan kulitas yang bervariasi, sehingga pelanggan akan mencari nilai yang dianggap paling tinggi dari beberapa pilihan produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality, brand image, marketing strategy terhadap customer satisfaction dan repurchase intention pada salah satu restoran cepat saji Mc Donald’s Sidoarjo. Dalam penelitian ini, quality, brand image dan marketing strategy berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction. Begitu pula dengan customer satisfaction juga berpengaruh terhadap repurchase intention / In the Globalization Era, business development is growing rapidly, marked by the level of competition between companies that is getting tighter. Every company is competing to seize and maintain its market share. In an era of rapid globalization, every company realizes that product marketing is a determining factor for success. The role of marketing is very important where the tight competition will cause consumers to have many alternative choices for various products, prices and quality, so that customers will look for the value that is considered the highest from several product choices. This study aims to analyze the effect of quality, brand image, marketing strategy on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention at one of McDonald's fast food restaurants in Sidoarjo. In this study, quality, brand image and marketing strategy have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Likewise, customer satisfaction also affects repurchase intentionen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya - Department Of Business School - Faculty Of Managementen_US
dc.subjectbrand imageen_US
dc.subjectmarketing strategyen_US
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectrepurchase intentionen_US
dc.titleAnalisis pengaruh quality, brand image, Marketing strategy terhadap customer Satisfaction dan repurchase intention pada restoran cepat saji mc donald’s Sidoarjo = Analysis of the influence of quality, brand image, marketing strategy towards customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions at mc donald's Sidoarjo fast food restauranten_US

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