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dc.contributor.authorMuhu, Febriani Nancy
dc.description.abstractPerkembangan pesat yang terjadi pada sektor makanan dan minuman menciptakan peluang bagi pengusaha restoran. Hal ini didorong oleh perubahan seperti gaya hidup (lifestyle) bagi masyarakat di kota besar yang sering makan diluar rumah seperti restoran dan cafe. Salah satu cafe modern di Surabaya yang memiliki konsep yang unik adalah De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery. Cafe ini berdiri sejak tahun 2011 dan memiliki 3 cabang yang terletak di daerah Jemursari (Surabaya Selatan), Klampis (Surabaya Timur), dan Bukit Darmo Golf (Surabaya Barat). Namun, yang paling menarik adalah De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery cabang Jemursari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh Restaurant Environmental Cues dan Non-Environmental Cues terhadap Customer Loyalty melalui Customer Satisfaction yang dimoderasi oleh Motivation pada pelanggan De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery Jemursari di Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 22.0. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 100 responden dengan karakteristik responden pria dan wanita berumur 17-65 tahun, berdomisili di Surabaya, pernah membeli dan mengkonsumsi di tempat minimal 2 kali dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir di De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery Jemursari di Surabaya. Hasil regresi linear adapun urutan variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh terbesar adalah variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) terhadap variabel Customer Loyalty (CL) sebesar 0,708. Urutan kedua yaitu variabel Decor & Artifatcs (DA) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,312; urutan ketiga variabel Ambient Conditions (AC) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,202; urutan keempat variabel Spatial Layout (SL) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,182; urutan kelima variabel Location (L) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,172; urutan keenam variabel Service Quality (SQ) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,166; urutan ketujuh variabel Food Quality (FQ) terhadap variabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,144; dan urutan kedelapan variabel Price (P) terhadapvariabel Customer Satisfaction (CS) sebesar 0,135. / The rapid development that occurs in the food and beverage sector creates opportunities for restaurant entrepreneurs. This is driven by changes such as lifestyle (lifestyle) for people in big cities who often eat outside their homes such as restaurants and cafes. One of the modern cafes in Surabaya that has a unique concept is De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery. This cafe was founded in 2011 and has 3 branches located in Jemursari (South Surabaya), Klampis (East Surabaya), and Bukit Darmo Golf (West Surabaya). However, the most interesting one is De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery Jemursaribranch. This study aims to determine how the effect of Restaurant Environmental Cues and Non-Environmental Cues on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction moderated by Motivation for customers of De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery Jemursari inSurabaya. This research is a research with quantitative methods with data processing using SPSS 22.0. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents with the characteristics of male and female respondents aged 17-65 years, domiciled in Surabaya, had bought and consumed at least 2 times in the past 1 year at De Mandailing Cafe and Eatery Jemursari in Surabaya. The result of linear regression is that the order of the variables that has the greatest influence is the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable on the Customer Loyalty (CL) variable of 0.708. The second order is the Decor & Artifacts (DA) variable to the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.312; third order variable Ambient Conditions (AC) to the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.202; the fourth order of the Spatial Layout (SL) variable on the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable is 0.182; the fifth order of the Location (L) variable to the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.172; the sixth order of Service Quality (SQ) variables to the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.166; the seventh order of the Food Quality (FQ) variable on the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.144; and the eighth order variable Price (P) to the Customer Satisfaction (CS) variable of 0.135en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya - Department Of Business School - Faculty Of Managementen_US
dc.subjectrestaurant environmental cuesen_US
dc.subjectnon-environmental cuesen_US
dc.subjectdecor & artifactsen_US
dc.subjectspatial layouten_US
dc.subjectambient conditionsen_US
dc.subjectfood qualityen_US
dc.subjectservice qualityen_US
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectcustomer loyaltyen_US
dc.titleAnalisis pengaruh restaurant environmental cues dan non-environmental cues terhadap customer satisfaction dalam membentuk customer loyalty yang dimoderasi oleh motivation pada pelanggan De Mandailing Café and Eatery Jemursari Surabayaen_US

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