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dc.contributor.authorAstawakra, Wayan
dc.description.abstractPertumbuhan restoran di provinsi Jawa Timur mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Peningkatan tersebut diakibatkan karena tingkat kesibukan dari masyarakat semakin meningkat, sehingga restoran banyak dibangun untuk memberikan makanan yang cepat saji. Salah satunya adalah restoran Geprek Bensu. Awal berdiri restoran ini yaitu pada 17 April 2017. Supaya mampu bersaing dengan restoran lainnya, Geprek Bensu di Surabaya harus meningkatkan kualitas makanan dan pelayanan yang diberikan, agar Customer Loyalty juga menjadi meningkat. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk memahami bagaimana pengaruh Physical Environment, Food Quality, Customer Orientation, Communication, Relationship Benefits dan Price Fairness terhadap Customer Loyalty melalui Relationship Quality. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan di bidang manajemen khususnya seberapa besar pengaruh Relationship Quality sehingga meningkatkan Customer Loyalty yang pada akhirnya dapat membuat pelanggan menjadi setia terhadap restoran Geprek Bensu dibanding restoran lainnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, dengan metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan software SPSS sebagai pengolah datanya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner melalui online kepada 180 responden dengan karakteristik wanita dan pria yang berumur 18-65 tahun, berdomisili di Surabaya, telah membeli produk Geprek Bensu di Surabaya lebih dari sekali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Physical Environment berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.202; Food Quality berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.133; Customer Orientation berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.156; Communication berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.155; Relationship Benefits berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.210; Price Fairness berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.225; Relationship Quality berpengaruh signifikan dengan koefisien regresi 0.825 / The growth of restaurants in East Java province has increased every year. This increase was due to the increasing level of busyness of the community, so that many restaurants were built to provide fast food. One of them is the Geprek Bensu restaurant. This restaurant was first established on April 17 2017. In order to be able to compete with other restaurants, Geprek Bensu in Surabaya must improve the quality of food and services provided, so that Customer Loyalty also increases. This study was made to understand how the influence of Physical Environment, Food Quality, Customer Orientation, Communication, Relationship Benefits and Price Fairness on Customer Loyalty through Relationship Quality. The expected benefit of this research is to increase knowledge in the field of management, especially how much influence Relationship Quality has so as to increase Customer Loyalty which in turn can make customers loyal to Geprek Bensu restaurant compared to other restaurants. This research is a causal research, with quantitative method and using SPSS software as data processing. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires to 180 respondents with the characteristics of women and men aged 18-65 years, domiciled in Surabaya, who had purchased Geprek Bensu products in Surabaya more than once. The results of this study indicate that the Physical Environment has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.202; Food Quality has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.133; Customer Orientation has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.156; Communication has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.155; Relationship Benefits have a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.210; Price Fairness has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.225; Relationship Quality has a significant effect with a regression coefficient of 0.825en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya - Department Of Business School - Faculty Of Managementen_US
dc.subjectphysical environmenten_US
dc.subjectfood qualityen_US
dc.subjectcustomer orientationen_US
dc.subjectrelationship benefitsen_US
dc.subjectprice fairnessen_US
dc.subjectrelationship qualityen_US
dc.subjectcustomer loyaltyen_US
dc.titleAnalisis pengaruh physical environment, food quality, customer orientation, communication, relationship benefits, price fairness terhadap customer loyalty melalui relationship quality pada pelanggan restoran geprek bensu di Surabayaen_US

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