Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Demographic Factors and Life Satisfaction of Indonesian Christian Private Universities Lecturers 

      Novanto, Yusak; Handoyo, Seger; Setiawan, Jenny Lukito (Universitas Airlangga - Faculty Of Psychology - Department Of Psychology, 2018-11-16)
      Life satisfaction plays an important role to improve the quality of an individual’s work performance in any profession, including lecturers in a higher education institution. As educators, lecturers are obliged to implement ...
    • Gambaran Persepsi Guru Terhadap Pedofilia 

      Suprapto, Maria Helena; Widjiastuti, Agustin (Universitas Airlangga - Faculty Of Psychology - Department Of Psychology, 2017-11-18)
      Pedofilia menjadi sorotan masyarakat seiring dengan maraknya kasus pelecehan anak yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang diduga memiliki gangguan pedofilia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan persepsi guru terhadap ...
    • Kepuasan Hidup Akademisi di Indonesia: Suatu Studi Kepustakaan 

      Novanto, Yusak (Universitas Pertamina Jakarta, 2018-09-15)
      Setiap manusia selalu berusaha untuk mencapai kepuasan dalam hidupnya, apapun profesi yang dijalaninya. Menurut Diener (1984) kepuasan hidup adalah penilaian secara global dari seseorang, yang merupakan persepsi kognitif ...
    • Makna Kerja Dosen di PTS Kristen Sebagai Panggilan Hidup dari Tuhan 

      Novanto, Yusak (Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar, 2018-07-04)
      The questions of where and how employees find meaning of work become critical and important for every job. Employees, who find proper meaning of work, will tend to feel more satisfied, engage actively, and become more ...
    • A Pilot Study: The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Work Team Cohesiveness 

      Suprapto, Maria Helena; Verdyana, Ellysa (Interacting Multi-Perspective Research, 2017-07-20)
      the addition of staff numbers. Organizational change causes changes in working groups, and leads to low group cohesiveness. One way to increase group cohesiveness is to provide teamwork training. This study aims to ...